

Emmanuelle Tulle

Professor of Sociology at Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland. She is a sociologist of ageing, sport and physical activity with a particular interest in aged embodiment, cultures of ageing and the reproduction of inequalities. She has published, as author and editor, inter alia, Physical Activity and Sport in Later Life: Critical Perspectives(with Cassandra Phoenix) (2015), Ageing, the Body and Social Change, Palgrave (2008), Old Age and Agency (2004). She has also published numerous papers in refereed high impact journals, notably, with Catherine Palmer, Engaging participants in qualitative research: methodological reflections on studying active older lives in Scotland and Australia, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health (Forthcoming 2021), Copenhagen Consensus statement 2019: physical activity and ageing Br J Sports Med (with several co-authors) (2019) or The Ageing Body and the Ontology of Ageing: Athletic Competence in Later Life Body & Society.